We have quite a few fresh pairings to look forward to. One of them is Vicky Kaushal and Manushi Chillar. The Miss World 2017 will be seen with the handsome hunk in Vijay Krishna Acharya's situational comedy. The genre is a first for the cast, and even the filmmaker. It seems they have started their prep as the film is all set to go on floors in October. A source told Mumbai Mirror, "It is yet to get a title, but prep is on in full swing as the team wants to roll with it by October. The genre is a first for both Manushi and Vicky, as also their director. The script demanded a fresh pair and after lots of auditions and discussions, the team zeroed in on Manushi and Vicky. It also has a formidable ensemble cast which is currently being finalised."
Manushi Chillar seems to be going great guns. She is the leading lady with Akshay Kumar in the biopic of Prithviraj Chauhan. Manushi Chillar plays Princess Samyukta. It is a period drama with lots of action and romance. As of now, the two are preparing independently. They are having script reading sessions, etc to have their chemistry going. The makers are also finalising a solid ensemble cast for the situational comedy.
The film will go on floors in October and it seems all SOPs will be followed to the hilt to ensure safety of the cast and crew. Talking about her Bollywood journey, Manushi Chillar had said, "It is a huge honour to have been chosen by a production house like Yash Raj Films as their heroine! I'm thoroughly happy and thrilled about the learnings that I will have through this journey. My life, so far, has really been a fairy tale. From becoming Miss India and then Miss World to now getting such a big project as my debut film, it's like a new, exciting chapter of my life."