Popular TV actress Saumya Tandon, who recently quit Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain , has put a full stop to all the speculations of her participating in Bigg Boss 14 by posting a quirky video. In the fun clip we see the actress reacting to all the rumours and denying them. Sharing the video, she wrote, "This is to clarify again and again. Me in #BigBoss.....naaaa. So please stop speculating and writing about it. I am NOT going. #rumours."
Saumya's decision of quitting Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain has disappointed her fans and viewers. Talking about it, she told TOI, ""Well, you can say that it's an impractical decision to quit a stable job, that too, in an established show. But, I realised that being employed and earning a regular income was not exciting enough any more. I want to do projects where there is scope for growth as an artiste. Having said that, it does not mean that 'Bhabi Ji...' did not contribute to my growth, I had a beautiful journey on the show. However, I have played this character for five years now, and I don't see myself doing it for another five years."
It was earlier said that the actress wanted to quit due to coronavirus and also due to pay cuts. However, she refused and said, "Not continuing with 'Bhabi Ji...' was not an impulsive decision. Yes, it is true that I was anxious after my hairdresser tested positive for coronavirus, and I did not want to put my elderly mother and one-and-a-half-year-old son at risk. But, I have completed my notice period. My producers (Sanjay and Binaifer Kohli) were very co-operative and I have a great rapport with them. They have been great producers and respect them a lot. As far as pay cut is concerned, in these times, people have to accept that the economy has been hit. I am not leaving the show because of monetary reasons."