Dwayne Johnson, the renowned American-Canadian actor who is popularly known as ‘The Rock’ is considered to be one of the highest-paid stars of Hollywood. He has mostly been seen in several action-thrilling and adventurous movies till the date like Skyscraper (2018), Baywatch (2018), Fast and Furious series, Jumanji movie series, and many more. Dwayne Johnson is well known for his fitness. His journey to his successful career in Hollywood, from a wrestler, has been really long. In fact, Dwayne Johnson was also an American and a Canadian footballer.
Dwayne Johnson belonged to a family of wrestlers. His parents and grandparents were wrestlers. He initially started his career as a footballer but had to leave for several injuries. He shifted to a wrestling career in WWE (World Wrestling Federation) in 1996. He did wonders in between the rings and made several records. Dwayne gained a lot of popularity in the world of wrestling. It was in 1999, he took a step in the Hollywood industry by appearing in the Television show named, ‘That ’70s Show’, where he played the role of his own father. His Hollywood career took rise and so did his wrestling career in the year 2004 when he made his first retirement announcement. Dwayne made his comeback in the wrestling world in 2007.
He has gained a lot of fans and followers from all over the world and now is one of the flourishing actors of Hollywood, and also a legendary wrestler.
Also read: Skyscraper VS Jumanji: Which Is Your Favorite Dwayne Johnson’s Movie?
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The post From WWE To Hollywood: Revisiting The Incredible Journey Of Dwayne Johnson appeared first on IWMBuzz.
source https://www.iwmbuzz.com/movies/celebrities-movies/wwe-hollywood-revisiting-incredible-journey-dwayne-johnson/2020/09/04