Shruti Haasan, like many of her celebrities, has been keeping in contact with her followers via social media these days. Her most recent uploads contain a slew of images from an underwater session. And the actress looks lovely in the black-and-white photographs. The actress looks picture-perfect in a flowing dress with silver necklaces and wrist cuffs. And she certainly appears to be a water baby, striking different positions for the camera and being fully at ease while doing so. “She can dance anywhere,” she remarked under one of her photos. Look it up here:
MAKE YOUR EYES STAND OUT Every day, she has the capacity to make your eyes jump out and fall for her.
PERFECT FORMULA Shruti Haasan is gifted with a to-die-for gorgeous flawless body, and she has no qualms about exhibiting it.
GORGEOUS YET SASSY Shruti grabs our attention with a feisty expression. This look gets two thumbs up from us.
RAVISHINGLY RAVISHING Shruti Haasan looks stunning in this never-before-seen photo.
CANDID APPEARANCE With her sizzling and sexy style, the Vakeel Saab actress set the internet on fire.
WE CAN’T REMOVE OUR EYES We’re sure you can’t take your gaze away from Shruti Haasan in this gorgeous image.
OUTSTANDINGLY BEAUTIFUL With her beautiful snap, the Krack actress ups the hotness level.
STYLE OBJECTIVES Shruti never fails to wow the fashion police, whether she is dressed casually or in traditional attire.
WOMAN IN BLACK The actress looks stunning in an all-black ensemble. In this photo, she exudes sensual feelings.