Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai the popular Star Plus show produced by Director’s Kut has seen interesting drama with Kartik (Mohsin Khan) and Naira (Shivangi Joshi) uniting after the huge setback of Kartik being kidnapped.
Now in the upcoming drama, Dadi (Swati Chitnis) will not like the fact that Krishna is at their place. She will not want her family, and especially Kartik and Naira to keep the child anymore at their place.
However, Kartik and Naira will not want to part from the girl.
At this juncture, Kartik and Naira will decide to adopt Krishna, but keep her away from home, probably at a hostel and take care of all her needs and necessities starting from education to her lifestyle.
As per a reliable source, “Kartik and Naira will have no option left but to keep Krishna away from home.”
What will the final decision be on Krishna?
We buzzed actors of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai but could not get through
Also read, Kartik and Naira blessed with a baby girl
Watch this space at for updates.
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