Thalapathy Vijay celebrates his 47th birthday today. The actor, dancer, playback singer and philanthropist has a massive fan following globally. He is considered as one of the most bankable stars in the Indian film industry. The Master actor has been included several times in the Forbes India Celebrity 100 list, based on the earnings of Indian celebrities. The makers of Thalapathy 65 had yesterday given a surprise to all his fans by dropping the title of the movie, and also releasing the first look of the actor. So, Thalapathy 65 has been titled 'Beast' and Vijay is looking absolutely smashing, dashing and dynamic as the eponymous character in the Nelson Dilipkumar directorial. While we await for more surprises on his birthday, here's an interesting quiz on the superstar's personal and professional life to decide his BIGGEST FAN.
Well, we are sure you guys have enjoyed it! Happy Birthday, Thalapathy Vijay!