Darshan Raval’s music journey started as a contestant at India’s Raw Star where he stood as the first runner up. His dad always wanted him to be an IAS officer, but well, Darshan was still passionate about singing and even had learned to play guitar through YouTube tutorials. And today we have the master blaster with his hit songs.
Though success didn’t come to Darshan Raval at a snap of a finger he worked very hard to stand where he is today. After listening to him sing, we all know why he is so unique and has millions of fans.
If you are looking for some TikTok inspiration and tracks to play with it, Darshan Raval songs are the perfect ones. Here are a few fantastic hit songs by Darshan Raval that will surely work on TikTok videos.
Hawa Banke
Tu Mileya
Dil Mera Blast
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