Priyanka Chopra recently resumed work after the second wave of the pandemic. While one would think that she would be happy to do that, the reality was a bit different. In a recent interview with Vogue India, Priyanka said how she cried on the plane when returning to work. She added that it was Nick and her family who helped her settle in Germany.
"I spent six months at home feeling really safe with my family, and then Germany was the first time I left to go work. I cried on the plane. I was terrified," She added that Nick really helped her. "He, my mum, my family came with me and we spent Christmas and New Year's together while I was filming." She also said that it was 'really nice' to not have to come back to an empty home.
The actress also seemed excited about being a part of The Matrix 4 and filming with actor Keanu Reeves.
She said, "I would have done any part Lana Wachowski would have given me. I'd be happy to do a walk-on." Adding that it was amazing just being there, she stated, "I used to arrive on set sometimes when Carrie-Anne Moss or Neil Patrick Harris were filming and I'd sort of peek in and have a fangirl moment."
Priyanka will soon be seen in the web series Citadel, a romantic drama titled Text For You and in Jee Le Zaraa which also stars Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif in key roles.