Zee TV popular show Kundali Bhagya produced by Balaji Telefilms has never failed to impress the audience with high-voltage drama. As seen so far, Karan visits the Arora house to talk to Sarla, who gets emotional to see him. Karan assures Sarla that he is always there for Preeta. He promises her to bail Preeta out at the first hearing.
Meanwhile, Srishti and Sameer’s confrontation makes Ruchika nervous. She threatens them of booking them and Karan for mental harassment. Ruchika’s threats make Srishti message Karan about all this. Suddenly, the police arrive there and decide to arrest Srishti and Sameer. However, Karan arrives on time and saves them.
In the coming episode, Srishti and Sameer visit a closed factory and wait for a blackmailer. Suddenly, the security guard arrives and they hide. Soon, a disguised blackmailer arrives there and the security guard tries to chase him but he manages to escape. Meanwhile, Prithvi realizes that Srishti and Sameer are after him and he too tries to escape.
OMG! Will Sameer and Srishti catch Prithvi red-handed?
Keep reading IWMBuzz.com for more updates.
To know what happens next on Kundali Bhagya, watch the premiere episode on ZEE5 Club before TV!!
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