Zee TV show Kundali Bhagya produced by Balaji Telefilms is leaving no stone unturned to entertain viewers with its gripping storyline. As seen so far, Mahesh regains consciousness and walks again and the Luthras rejoice over this. On the other hand, Sherlyn gets scared to see Mahesh’s good health and rush to meet Mahira. In a room with Mahira, Sherlyn decides to jointly kill Mahesh on the occasion of Holi.
In the coming episode, Mahesh decides to tell everyone the truth after playing Holi. Meanwhile, Sherlyn carries a can of kerosene with her. She fears getting exposed and hence decides to set the Luthras on fire to take revenge on everybody.
OMG! Will she succeed in her plan?
Keep reading IWMBuzz.com for more updates.
To know what happens next on Kundali Bhagya, watch the premiere episode on ZEE5 Club before TV!!
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