Aditi Rao Hyadri, the new rising Netflix star has been quite active on Instagram lately. She’s been keeping her fans in the loop regarding all the different projects that she has been working on. Her Insta account is slowly filling up with photos of herself modelling for different shoots. The Netflix star is definitely climbing up the rank to becoming a true fashionista!
She’s recently been featured in different magazines sporting various styles! She proved to her fans of her versatility in style through these shoots. While she was featured in Kush Wedding Magazine, styled in gorgeous traditional wedding apparel, her natural alluring beauty was also featured in Harper’s Bazar magazine where she’s dressed in refreshing dresses. She also had her promotion shoot for her movie ‘A girl on the train’ sporting a chic casual look with cool prints.
But the look that took every fan’s heart was when she posed for a paid partnership with Ajio where she was styled in fancy party wear. The look is part of a ‘100 day new brand bash’ and is available on Ajio for everyone!
She looks stunning in the body hugging one shoulder dress. The gradient shiny sequins finish gives it the perfect glam look for a fun night out! She finished off the look with some sexy black flats, long dangling earring and alluring red lipstick! With just this one photo her fans have all but forgotten her traditional look, casual appearance and refreshing vibes from previous vibes! All that remains is Aditi Rao Hyadri, the sexy babe in a hot Sequin mini one-shoulder dress!
The post Sexy Babe: Aditi Rao Hyadri Looks Damn Hot In Sequin Mini One-Shoulder Dress appeared first on IWMBuzz.