Zee TV’s popular primetime drama – Kundali Bhagya, has been ruling audiences’ hearts ever since it was launched in 2017. Produced by TV czarina Ekta Kapoor and featuring actors like Dheeraj Dhoopar (as Karan), Shraddha Arya (as Preeta), Manit Jaura (as Rishabh), Anjum Fakih (as Srishti) and Abhishek Kapur (as Sameer)and this family drama explores and brings to life a whole range of emotions as well as the deepest intricacies of human relationships.
The show is a spin-off series of Kumkum Bhagya it is a very different concept showed on a small screen. The fresh lead roles, different plot, and the cast make this spin-off the best.
The chemistry of its leads Karan-Preeta and its intriguing plot full of twists turns, and surprises have kept the viewers hooked. It has been a roaring success on the viewership charts for the past three years and has won many awards.
Remember the Manmohan Desai formula used in Amar Akbar Anthony to unite the lost sons and their parents? The same trick is used here. The difference is here we have two sisters Preeta and Srishti who come to Mumbai in search of mothers after her father’s death.
When the show debuted, the very first week made a record for the show as it became only the fourth most-watched Tv show with a very high TRP rating. Also, in November, the show climbed to the number 1 spot and maintained its ranking till the end of December.
Also, read Kundali Bhagya: Shraddha Arya and Dheeraj Dhoopar’s crazy dance video goes viral
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