Amit Bhadana had a tough time after the ongoing tussle with Riya Mavi, and when Riya Mavi kind of made a controversial statement on Amit Bhadana. And after she left his channel. Riya Mavi claimed that she didn’t get back what she deserved from Amit Bhadana. But things were settled eventually, and now Amit has a whopping 20million subscribers on YouTube.
Ashish Chanchlani got on headlines after his online fight with KRK, when KRK even took it to an extent, that he made a video calling out Chanchlani. Things got bitter at that point. But now all things settled, Ashish has a whopping 18million subscribers and counting, making grand funny videos and entertaining us like he used to do earlier.
Well, CarryMinati, 2020 has been a complete roller coaster for him and us too. With the pandemic terror, Carry’s video YouTube vs TikTok got to face some real troubles. The video has been taken down for now by YouTube and it fell under cyberbullying, but the video was quite a colossal moment for the Indian YouTubers. Carry is up with a video, “Yalgaar” trailer that is right now #7trending.
And that’s a wrap! To get more such updates, stay tuned to IWMBuzz.
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