It came as a huge shock when Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya announced their separation after months of speculations. Both Samantha and Chaitanya remained tight-lipped about the reason that led to their divorce. On Koffee With Karan 7, Samantha spoke about having hard feelings with her ex-husband adding that their separation was not amicable.
When Karan Johar mentioned to Samantha that it was her who decided to part ways with her husband, she corrected him saying 'ex-husband'. The filmmaker then corrected himself and asked her whether social media trolling forced her to out herself out there. She agreed to that saying that she has chosen this path of being transparent with her fans who had invested a lot in their lives.
"Yes, I can't complain about it because I chose that path to be transparent and when the separation happened I couldn't be too upset about it because they invested in my life. I didn't had answers at that time. It has been hard but it's good now. I am stronger," Samantha told Karan.
When she was asked about having hard feelings for each other, Samantha admitted to it and said, "There are hard feelings like if you put the both of us in a room you have to hide sharp objects. So as of now, yes. It's not an amicable situation right now. It might be in the future."
While Samantha was subjected to brutal trolling and speculative stories about her divorce, she said that the worst thing she read about herself was that she took Rs 250 crore alimony from Naga Chaitanya after their divorce. "First they made up the story about the alimony, Rs 250 crores. Then they realised that this doesn't seem like a believable story," she added.
Though the Shakuntalam actress revealed how she felt when she realised she had to divorce Naga Chaitanya, she kept the reason for the divorce a secret since then. The cause of their split has remained a mystery to their admirers, with neither party saying anything.