Aneri Vajani, who has become household with her role in Anupamaa, has opened up about her love life. The actress has often been linked with her Nisha Aur Uske Cousins co-star Mishkat Varma. She recently revealed that she is currently dating someone and it's not Mishkat Varma. However, she chose to keep the identity of her partner under wraps for the moment.
"Yes I'm in love. But I want to take my time to tell it to the world. I'm looking forward to letting everyone know. But when I feel like it. For now, it is the most beautiful feeling to be in love," Aneri told Hindustan Times. The actress played the role of Anuj Kapadia's sister and her entry brought a lot of twists in the life of Anupamaa, played by Rupali Ganguly.
Talking about her equation and link-up with Mishkat, Aneri said, "We are like bros. You should see the way we treat each other. We have a 'bro code'. There's absolutely nothing between Mishkat and me. We are too good to be (a couple). Humara nahi ho sakta kuch life mein. We are two different people. He loves me and I love him but there's respect for each other. We laugh a lot so we love to work with each other. I don't know why people link us up."
Aneri is currently seen on Rohit Shetty's stunt based reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi 12. She was recently subjected to brutal trolling online due to her slim fit. However, she remained unfazed by the trolls. Instead, she slammed them saying that grapes are sour and they should look at themselves.
The Anupamaa actress said that she has been blessed with such a good body and credited it to genes. Aneri said that she doesn't have to work very hard to maintain her body. The actress added that been blessed with a body for which she doesn't have to slog in the gym for hours to lose weight. And even if she wants to gain weight, it's not an issue for her.
Apart from Anupamaa and Khatron Ke Khiladi 12, Aneri is known for her roles in the web series Silsila Badalte Rishton Ka Season 2 and Pavitra Bhagya.