Neha Kakkar Singh, a playback singer from India, is Sonu Kakkar’s younger sister. She began singing and dancing at religious events when she was very young. In 2005, she participated in the second season of the singing contest programme Indian Idol. As a chorus singer in the film Meerabai Not Out, she had her Bollywood debut. After Cocktail’s dance song “Second Hand Jawaani” was published, she gained popularity. Following this came several well-known party songs, including “Sunny Sunny” by Yaariyan and “London Thumakda” from the film Queen.
Her voice’s distinctive earthy sound is how TV diva Neha Kakkar gained recognition. Neha’s singing career began when she auditioned for the renowned Indian reality competition Indian Idol. She became an instant success with the audience thanks to her bizarre voice and depth of singing. She was credited with recent blockbusters like Dilbar, Chamma Chamma, and Aankh Maarey. She later rose to the position of judge on the same programme, as luck would have it!
Neha admitted to a participant that she once had suicidal thoughts and no longer had any will to live during one of the show’s episodes. She added that although her life is currently very joyful and wonderful, there was a time when she felt like everything was going wrong, that life was treating her unfairly, and that she wanted to end her life. After splitting up with her ex-boyfriend and Yaariyan famous actor, Himansh Kohli, Neha previously discussed her struggle with depression on her social media accounts.
In October 2020, Neha got married to Rohanpreet Singh in New Delhi. The couple is now happy and very much in love.
Source : Press wire 18
Also Read: Neha Kakkar’s Top 5 Songs Ranked