Comedian Bharti Singh is known for her spontaneous sense of humour. The lady who delivered a baby boy, Gola (Laksh) was greeted by a man outside her van. It looks like she was shooting for Ravivaar with Star Parivaar. The man had got roses for Bharti Singh. On getting the flowers, she said that these flowers had no use for her as she was now a married woman with kids. Bharti Singh tells him to give the roses to a woman standing besides her instead. It looks like she is Bharti Singh's hairdresser. The man says he too is married, and his kid was born on the same day as her son, Gola.
The comedian was informed that her son Gola's pics went viral and how. We saw the shoot where they dressed him as a mini Harry Potter. They were too cute for words. The baby was born in April. Bharti Singh faced some criticism for resuming work too early after the birth of her son. She reminded people that she was not born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and needed to work for her home and family. This is not the first time that Bharti Singh has created epic moments with the paps. No one will forget this one that also included Nora Fatehi.
The comedian was seen on Khatra Khatra Khatra with husband Haarsh Limbachiyaa and others. She will be back on The Kapil Sharma Show in some days time.