Toxic friendships are as common as toxic romantic relationships. Fake friends usually want something from you but give you nothing in return. Fake friends do not have your best interests at heart and view the friendship from the perspective of what they can get from you rather than genuine care for you.
Here are seven signs that you have fake friends:
They’re not there for you – If a friend is almost never there for you when you’re going through a difficult time, they’re most likely a fake friend.
They always seem to need something from you – Fake friends will only contact you or gather when they want or need something from you.
They’re competitive with you – Out of jealousy, fake friends can be quite competitive. They generally want to appear superior to you.
They make you feel bad about yourself – A fake friend will not uplift you in the same way that a true friend will. You may feel insecure, used, or judged when you’re around this person.
They drain your energy – Time with a fake friend will probably feel draining or excessively focused on them.
They gossip about you behind your back – If you hear about a supposed “friend” spreading rumors or lies about you, or just trash-talking in general, that person is not a true friend.
They are disrespectful – Whether they are simply rude to you or show blatant disregard for your boundaries and needs, this demonstrates that they do not genuinely care about you.
So, if you notice all or any of these signs in your friends, it’s time to kick them out and give yourself the mental peace you deserve.
Also Read: 3 Ways To Test Your Friend’s Loyalty