We have often see Bollywood actors such as Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Aamir Khan among others being paired opposite actresses who are nearly half of their age. However, Sanjay Dutt is not comfortable with romancing younger actresses on the big screen.
During his recent interaction with Good Times, Sanjay said that actors need to come to terms with their growing age. When he was prodded further that people do not like to play their age on screen, the KGF 2 actor clapped back and replied in his own inimitable style, "Arrey ab hai to thodi main alia bhatt ke sath romance karunga. (I cannot be romancing Alia Bhatt at this age). Ya so I mean it's like that, you got to move on."
After battling cancer at the age of 62, Sanjay Dutt is back in action as the strong and tough villain Adheera in KGF: Chapter 2. And Sanju does not lag behind in proving himself as an actor par excellence. To match up with his role, he used to wear armour that weighed 25 kilos and shoot every day.
Sanjay Dutt is among those Bollywood actors who never felt hesitant to play strong negative characters on-screen and in fact love to project themselves in a diversified way. With KGF: Chapter 2 he is making his debut in Kannada cinema. Sanju wanted to give his best and he did everything to perform well.
KGF 2, which stars Rocking Star Yash, Raveena Tandon, Srinidhi Shetty among others, is scheduled for a theatrical release on April 14 in Kannada along with Telugu, Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam languages.