We as a whole know at this point that Rashmika Mandanna is making her Bollywood debut with the forthcoming film Mission Majnu. She will be sharing the screen space with the well-known entertainer Sidharth Malhotra. Last week, Rashmika was spotted at the air terminal as she was set for Lucknow for the shooting. Presently, she has shared a selfie with Sidharth from the sets as the two of them are seen making some occasion memories going for the film.
In the wake of giving out such wonderful and critical exhibitions in Tollywood films like Geetha Govindam and Sarileru Neekevvaru, Rashmika’s Bollywood debut is viewed as one of the most profoundly expected ones. The entertainer has left no stones unturned to prepare for the job. A few months back, she was spotted by the paps at the Mumbai Film City, where she was preparing for her part in the film.
In the interim, in the South, Rashmika Mandanna will be next found in the Tamil film Sulthan, in which she will be seen sharing the screen space with Karthi. The film’s secret was delivered as of late and it got a positive reaction. She additionally has in her kitty, Pushpa, where she will be sharing the screen space with Stylish Star Allu Arjun. Normally, more insights concerning the film will be shared by the creators soon. A few reports propose that Rashmika will be welcomed on board as the main woman for Suriya’s forthcoming film Aruvaa.
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