Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor were in Dubai on vacation and were continuously sharing beautiful photos with their admirers. According to reports, the Kapoor sisters, their father, actor Boney, was in Dubai to collect the Golden Visa. In Dubai, they also celebrated Boney’s birthday. The girls lit up the internet with snippets of their journey, from lungi dancing to desert safari.
Janhvi Kapoor and her younger sister Khushi Kapoor shared alluring bikini images on social media during their Dubai vacation, which instantly went viral. Janhvi donned a black and red floral bikini and held Khushi’s hand as they danced on the beach. Khushi also shared a few photos on Instagram, looking lovely in a striped bikini top, denim shorts, and a hat. Janhvi Kapoor, her sister Khushi Kapoor, and their friend Orry had already had a sand adventure on quad bikes in Dubai. The Kapoor sisters have been observed interbreeding in brown crop tops and shorts.
Janhvi uploaded a couple of photos with the caption “Dessert in the desert,” while Khushi Kapoor gave us Dhoom vibes with the caption “Vroom vroom.” Janhvi and Khushi’s gorgeous photos of themselves standing on the desert jeep gave us big trip desires. Janhvi and Khushi’s Dubai travel diaries sparked outrage among fans. Janhvi had remarked regarding her relationship with her sister Khushi, “We share our clothing, but we have this thing where if you steal without informing, it’s an issue. I don’t care at this time. She still enjoys… Because she is exceedingly virtuous,” she says, ‘You cannot take something without asking.’ “She believes she must instill politeness in me. That is where it is coming from.” Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi are the daughters of filmmaker Boney Kapoor and late actress Sridevi.
Also Read: Pictures That Prove Janhvi Kapoor And Khushi Kapoor Have Similar Taste In Fashion, Take A Look
source https://www.iwmbuzz.com/movies/celebrities-movies/throwback-to-janhvi-kapoors-dubai-vacation-pictures/2022/02/02