Reports of Shraddha Kapoor and Rohan Shrestha's wedding have been doing the rounds of the industry for a while now. The two have been spotted together on various occassions which made their fans wonder if they are going to take their rumoured relationship a notch higher. While the rumours continue to spread like wildfire, Shakti Kapoor has set the records straight about his daughter Shraddha's marriage with her childhood friend.
"Rohan is a family friend, I have known his father for many, many years. Rohan visits us often, but he has not asked for Shraddha's hand in marriage. And besides, today children decide these things on their own. If Shraddha tells me that she has chosen a life partner for herself or even if Siddhant does, I will readily agree. Why will I refuse? But at this point, they are focused on their careers. Marriage is an important decision and the way people are breaking up, it bothers me sometimes. One has to be sure before making a decision like that," Shakti Kapoor told Spotboye.
The veteran actor further added that he has 'never stopped Shraddha or Siddhanth (son) from following their dreams.' "Many people ask me if I stopped Shraddha from becoming an actress, but that is not true. I want her to shine and do well she is such a hard-working and talented girl. I call her my 'golden girl'. She has made it on her own in Bollywood," he added.
A couple of days ago, Shraddha's cousin Priyaank Sharma and her aunt Padmini Kolhapure gave us a hint. When asked about their shaadi plans, Priyaank told, "I am going to say no comments, main kya bolun yaar (what should I say now). But yes, if you say looking forward to it, then obviously, weddings are good to look forward to. The more the merrier, why not!"
On the other hand, Padmini said that we will come to know whenever it happens. "Marriage, wow! That's a strange question (she too giggled) agar waisa hoga toh khabar mil jaigi (if she plans to get married, you'll come to know)."
On the work front, Shraddha will be seen in Luv Ranjan's next film which also stars Ranbir Kapoor.