Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya 2 actor Anupam Shyam, who played Thakur Sajjan Singh's iconic character, passed away. The 63-year-old actor passed away due to multiple organ failure today in Mumbai. He was in the intensive care unit for a week. This news came as a shock for the entire cast and crew of Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya 2. In March last year, Anupam Shyam was hospitalised after he developed serious kidney issues. He had to be dialysis and still used to shoot for Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya 2. The show's producer Rajan Shahi is shocked to hear this news. In an interview with ETimes, Rajan Shahi said that he is deeply saddened to hear about the demise of Anupam Shyam.
Rajan Shahi offered condolences to his family and relatives. He remembered how Anupam Shyam was extremely happy to work again and play his favourite character Sajjan Singh when they started shooting for Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya 2. Rajan Shahi also shared that Anupam Shyam was always so lively and full of enthusiasm and will be remembered for his remarkable performances. Anupam Shyam has also been a part of films like Dastak, Dil Se , Lagaan, Golmaal, and Munna Michael. Earlier, an interview with SpotBoye, Anupam Shyam revealed how he works and then goes for his dialysis. He said, "Health upar neeche rehti hai but I am much better than before. My dialysis is still on and I have to go for it thrice a week. So, I complete my work and go to the hospital in the evening. The production team cooperates with me completely. Hence I don't find it hectic. Life has ups and downs, but we have to keep going, and I am also doing the same."
Talking about Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya 2, the show began in March this year and will soon be going off-air.