Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 began on a high note. Host Rohit Shetty scares the contestants by introducing the new task. The contestants get terrified seeing the adventurous and dangerous task. Rohit pulls Rahul Vaidya's leg by his one-liners. Rohit calls eliminated contestants Vishal Aditya Singh, Aastha Gill, and Sourabh Raaj Jain back into the game.
Vishal Aditya Singh, Aastha Gill, and Sourabh Raaj Jain are back in the game
Rohit Shetty gives Vishal Aditya Singh, Aastha Gill, and Sourabh Raaj Jain one chance and tells them to perform the task nicely. He even informs them that the one who performs the task amazingly well will be saved, while the other two will have to go back home. Sourabh gets emotional and cries his heart out post getting tremendous electric shocks. Rohit appreciates him and motivates him. Vishal wins the task and Aastha and Sourabh gets eliminated
Danger task
Rohit schools the contestants and reveals that from now on every contestant will perform all the tasks together. He tells the contestants to sit inside the train and they will release tear gas. Vishal and Sana win the task and make themselves safe.
Coffin task
The remaining contestants have to perform another task to make them safe. Rohit tells the contestants to sleep inside the coffin and puts snakes, crabs, and other crawling insects inside it. The contestants have to remove the ball which is kept in the box place in the coffin. Rahul wins the task.
Rope task
Vishal, Sana, and Rahul get safe while other contestants are in the unsafe zone. The host Rohit tells contestants to perform the rope task wherein they will have to balance themselves while being tied to the rope. Shweta win the task.