Mission Majnu, starring Sidharth Malhotra and Rashmika Mandanna, which was officially announced back in December 2020, revolves around a highly covert mission by a RAW agent across enemy lines in Pakistan during wartime, and marks the latter's Bollywood debut, after having won over the audience in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada film industries. has no doubt suffered its fair share of delay like any movie in any part of the world. So, movie-buffs, but especially Sidharth Malhotra and Rashmika Mandanna fans, are keen to know the latest update on Mission Majnu's shooting and when can we expect it to release. Well, today is your lucky day as BollywoodLife ferreted this very information from Sid in an exclusive interview.
Opening up about the shoot and possible release timeline of Mission Majnu, Sidharth Malhotra said, "Well, we are still shooting Mission Majnu, it's not completed. It's a spy thriller and we've shot the majority of it in Lucknow, we have a lot of the shoot left in Mumbai, which I will go for now after this film (Shershaah, for which we interviewed the actor). Yeh saal toh mushkil hai, shooting chal rahi hai, filaal aaj ke mahaul mein cheezein kaafi slow hai, toh filaal pehle khatam ho jaaye toh humein idea milegi, par iss saal mushkil lag rahi hai. (It's looking difficult to release it this year as the shooting is still on and given how difficult things are in the current situation, it's better to wait for us to finish the movie and then get a fair idea, but, yes, a release this year is looking difficult.)"
Sidharth Malhotra will next be seen in Shershaah, directed by noted Tamil film filmmaker Vishnuvardhan in his Bollywoo debut, and costarring rumoured girlfriend Kiara Advani. The war biopic releases on 12th August on Amazon Prime.