It was undoubtedly one magical musical tribute where the top 6 contestants of Indian Idol 12 gave their every ounce of their skills to set the weekend night right. The Raj Kapoor special episode was graced by veteran actor Randhir Kapoor who couldn't stop praising the contestants. And while we are just two weeks away from the grand finale, fans are currently rallying behind Pawandeep Rajan, Arunita Kanjilal and Shanmukhapriya to be the top 3 finalists.
The Saturday's episode of Indian Idol 12 saw Pawandeep singing Yeh Raat Bheegi Bheegi featuring Raj Kapoor and Nargis. Then Shanmukhapriya came on stage and burned the stage with her electrifying performance. Arunita blew everyone's mind when she crooned songs like Ek Radha Ek Meera and Satyam Shivam Sundaram. Nihal Tauro, Sayli Kamble and Mohammad Danish also won the judges and Randhir Kapoor's heart with their singing skills.
However, it were Pawandeep, Arunita and Shanmukhapriya who managed to steal the audience's heart with their performances. Fans began expressing their wish to see them in the top 3 at Indian Idol 12 grand finale.
Take a look.
Outstanding singing from #IdolShanmukhaPriya. But, as usual @SonyTV #IndianIdol12 gave #ShanmukhaPriya very little screen time, gave her bakwas song to ensure she doesn't steal the show. What a worst show and what an injustice to a great talent like Shanmukha priya.
VK (@vkedarisetty) July 31, 2021
Today was truely an iconic performance by Aru on ||ek radha ek meera|| #voteforarunitakanjilal #ArunitaKanjilal #IdolArunita #IndianIdol #IndianIdol12 @ArunitaKanjilal @SonyTV @SonyTVUSA
Arunita Kanjilal ||FP|| (@RupaliR88621861) July 31, 2021
Yet again great performance by @RajanPawandeep #PawandeepRajan #IndianIdol2020 #IndianIdol12 @SonuKakkar @The_AnuMalik @HimeshOnline #AdityaNarayan He is the best in bringing out the emotions through his singing! Simply awesome!
Ashtsh (@Ashtsh1) July 31, 2021
#IndianIdol12 sets the weekend nights right. Singing par excellence! Amazing selection of songs.
The only show that makes me sit in front of TV.
Still humming...
? , ...@RajanPawandeep ??@indian_idol12 @SonyLIV
Sangeet Kothari (@SangeetKothari) July 31, 2021
Wah #ShanmukhaPriya one more beautiful operatic singing ???
Whatta a girl!#IndianIdol2021 #IndianIdol2020 #IndianIdol12
Shadow (@Captain41230930) July 31, 2021
TOP 3 of #IndianIdol12 are gonna be Arunita, Pawandeep and Shanmukh Priya.
????? ? (@HashtagAnant) July 31, 2021
Wow... "Ye raat bheegi bheegi..." Awesome singing by #PawandeepRajan in Makhamali voice.??? #IdolPawandeep #IndianIdol #Indianidol12 #IndianIdol2021
Shailesh Kumar Maurya (@shail_my) July 31, 2021
Meanwhile, one final elimination is going to take place before the finale week where the show will see their top 5 finalists competing for the top spot. It remains to be seen who will bid adieu to the show after coming this far in the competition.