Chiyaan Vikram's much-delayed film with Gautham Vasudev Menon, Dhruva Natchathiram, which was scheduled to hit the screens in 2018, has finally see a day of light as the the latest reports suggest that Vels Films International has taken over the project and the lead actor has agreed to dub his portions. There is a buzz that the film is around four-and-a-half hours long and the director is planning to release the film in two parts. Well, we have to wait for the official announcement for that. Also starring Aishwarya Rajesh, Ritu Varma, Radhika Sarathkumar, Simran and Parthiban in key roles, the music of the film is composed by Harris Jayaraj.
Meanwhile, Chiyaan Vikram will be next seen in Ajay Gnanamuthu's Cobra. In the film, we will see Vikram donning multiple looks. The film marks the debut of former cricketer Irfan Pathan, who will be seen as a lead antagonist along with KS Ravikumar, Srinidhi Shetty, Mrinalini, Kanika, Padmapriya and Babu Antony. "This film will be a pan-Indian project catering to the Tamil, Hindi and Telugu audience. It will be produced on a massive scale in association with Viacom 18 Motion Pictures. The cast and technicians will include big names of all industries collaborating for this film," read a statement from the makers.
The filmmaker earlier revealed that Chiyaan Vikram risked his life not once but thrice for an underwater sequence in the film. In the shot, the actor was supposed to get immersed upside down with his hands, legs and mouth tied. The sequence was quite difficult as even the stuntman couldn't perform it. While Ajay decided to change the sequence, Vikram told him not to compromise and performed himself. While he did the stunt properly, his c0-actor, who was part of the stunt, failed to give it a perfect shot. Later Ajay said that he could manage now on the edit table but insisted and gave the shot until it came out well. On the next day, Vikram's eyes and ears nerves got blocked and had to undergo treatment on the sets but still, he shot for other sequences. Well, all that we can do is respect his dedication towards his craft. Known for directing blockbusters like Demonte Colony and Imaikkaa Nodigal, Ajay Gnanamuthu is collaborating for the first time with Chiyaan Vikram for Cobra.