Salman Khan and Alia Bhatt were supposed to be seen in their film Inshallah but due to some reasons, it didn’t take place. Salman Khan and Alia Bhatt’s duo was loved by fans and fans were excited to watch them working together. Both the stars are popular and as we all know Salman Khan is the Bhai of Bollywood. He has a huge fan craze. It is very lucky and important for all his Co-stars to get appreciation from him. Salman Khan praised Alia Bhatt and he told in Mumbai Mirror that the journey and growth of Alia Bhatt are fabulous.
The way she has become an actor from being a student to becoming a famous actor is mindblowing. He also told her that she is the ‘Godown Of Talent’. By this statement of the actor, it is seen that Alia Bhatt is successful in impressing Salman Khan. It was a very proud and great moment for the actress to see Salman Khan appreciating her talent and journey. The actress is just fab and shows us her amazing skills in her films and is very much popular.
The diva also has a tremendous fan following who go frenzy over her. She has become an eminent actress and is giving hit films. The diva will be also seen in her upcoming films and always astonishes her fans and makes them happy and entertains them. It was a very grateful moment for the actress to get appreciation from the superstar of Bollywood.
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