Malayalam actress Sanusha Santhosh, who played the role of a journalist Ramya in Nani's Jersey directed by Gowtam Tinnanuri, has brutally trolled body-shamers in a hard-hitting post on Instagram. Recently, she has been receiving messages from people who have been pointing it out to her that she has put on weight and were bothered about it.
Sending a strong message to trolls, Sanusha posted a picture of herself smiling to the camera and asked the trollers to take care of themselves physically and mentally. "Oh yes!! To everyone who's been mentioning about my weight, worrying about it & being bothered by it too much, maybe even more than me mostly Sweetheart, you don't exist solely to lose weight & be pretty. When you get so much of "chori" to body shame someone, always remember when you point 2 fingers at a person, there are three fingers pointed towards you and love, you aren't perfect either.
Take care of yourself, physically & mentally," she wrote.
Sanusha began her career as a child artist in the Malayalam film Kallu Kondu Pennu. She then went on to work across languages such as Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu. She established herself as a leading actress in her 2012 film Mr Marumakan.
Meanwhile, Sanusha's Jersey is being remade in Hindi. The cricket drama will star Shahid Kapoor along side his father Pankaj Kapur and Mrunal Thakur. The movie will mark Shahid's return on big screen after his 2019 blockbuster, Kabir Singh. Jersey remake will run into the historical drama Prithviraj, starring Akshay with Manushi Chhillar. The Diwali weekend looks poised for what could be the most fascinating clash of the year, unless one of the films decides to prepone or postpone.