Bags are one such accessory that women have an undying love for. Be it shoulder bags, cross body bags, Satchel bags, tote bags they can really add the classy element to your overall look. Currently, the newest addition to bag style is the waist bag which is also known as fanny bags. If you are in love with these cute looking bags, then take cues from stars Avneet Kaur and Ashnoor Kaur will teach you just how to ace these stylish bags the right way. If you follow Avneet Kaur closely you will realize how much the diva loves bags and is often spotted carrying different stylish bags along with her sassy outfits. But the diva made everyone jealous with the lovely metallic pink waist bag that she wore as a crossbody bag along with blue and pink tie-dye dress. Avneet rocked the look along with a pastel pink cap and blue shoes. Avneet has the best waist bag collection to die for.
For instance, the actress was seen slaying the waist bag look by sporting a black and white checkered waist bag along with bright neon green co-ord set outfit. Avneet surely knows how to style her waist bag the right way and she never fails to impress us. The diva styled a lovely yellow waist bag along with a black off-shoulder outfit and looked classy as ever.
Ashnoor Kaur has an equally mind-blowing collection of waist bags. The diva rocked a brown leather waist bag along with a white lace top and blue denims and looked dazzling. When it comes to waist bags, Ashnoor Kaur has a collection in each color. Take lessons from Avneet Kaur and Ashnoor Kaur to rock the waist bag style to perfection!
Image credit- Instagram
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