Karishma Tanna, who was most recently seen in Qayamat Ki Raat, epitomizes hotness. The actress has flaunted her slender physique numerous times in different photos she posts to her Instagram account. Right from navel revealing traditional Lehenga cholis to western dresses, she has tried and looked hot in all kinds of outfits. She has also slain her followers at times with some of the sexiest outfits such as monokinis, bikinis, and lacy bralettes. Hardly any actress can compete for her hotness level when she wears those outfits.
Check out her body-flaunting looks in sexy swimming suits or beachwear: –
Karishma and her poolside hotness –
Beachside sexy looks –
Along with TV, Karishma has also worked in Bollywood. Her performance in the hit movie Sanju, starring Ranbir Kapoor displayed her every bit of hotness as she is in real life. She has also had a role in the adult comedy movie, Grand Masti. Along with revealing swimsuits, she also looks extra hot in some of the best traditional outfits. Check them out: –
Sexy saree looks –
Anarkalis and Ghagras –
Lastly, her hottest look comes from western outfits which she totally rocks in. Her well-maintained body makes her look extra feisty with those sexy outfits. Take a look at her in some of the sexiest western and casual wear: –
Every picture of hers will only raise the temperature bars in your home since she looks super hot in all of them. For more stories and fashion ideas from Karishma Tanna, keep reading more on IWMBuzz.com.
The post Hottie Spotted: Karishma Tanna Spotted Flaunting Her Sexy Figure, Fans Are Crushing appeared first on IWMBuzz.
source https://www.iwmbuzz.com/television/photos/hottie-spotted-karishma-tanna-spotted-flaunting-her-sexy-figure-fans-are-crushing/2021/06/16