Shriya Pilagonkar is one of those few actresses who can rock and pull off any outfit with ease. The Marathi actress has been spotted experimenting with her outfits quite a lot to attain breath-taking looks. Shriya Pilagonkar who is the daughter of veteran Marathi actors Supriya and Sachin Pilgaonkar is someone who is known to leave no stones unturned when it comes to putting her best foot forward showing up in the most fashionable outfits. Today we look at the best casual outfits donned by the actress which gave us major fashion goals. Shriya looked classy when she rocked a brown sleeveless crop top along with high waist beige-colored baggy pants. Shriya looked pretty in this attire. She swept her beautiful tresses to one side and donned golden hoops for this outfit. Shriya looked pretty in these very simple yet classic casual looks.
What makes Shriya’s casual outfits admirable is how she wears the simplest of outfits and yet manages to make them look stylish. For instance, Shriya donned a simple lilac high neck furry top along with blue denim and she managed to make this look elegant and fabulous.
Shriya Pilgaonkar loves jackets and she has donned several styles of jackets. From blue denim jackets to unique purple corduroy jackets, the actress has nailed the jacket to look like no one else. Speaking of jackets, her most jaw-dropping casual outfit was when she was styled up in a multi-colored blazer jacket along with ripped baggy jeans. Shriya set the bar too high with this outfit and we are taking cues from the actress. Take a look at the casual outfits of Shriya Pilgaonkar and let us know which one is your favorite!
The post Which Looks Of Shriya Pilgaonkar in Casual Outfits is Your Favourite? appeared first on IWMBuzz.