Zee TV show Kumkum Bhagya produced by Balaji Telefilms is leaving no stone unturned to entertain viewers with its gripping storyline. As seen so far, Abhi starts dancing. Soon, a chandelier is about to fall on Abhi but Pragya pushes him away in time. However, in her attempt to save Abhi, her veil slips from her head. While Pragya tries to pull the veil over her head, Ranbir sees her face and gets shocked. However, Pragya manages to save herself from getting exposed.
Now in the coming episode, Aaliya asks Tanu to get married to Abhi the same night. She explains that once Abhi gets better, he will not accept Tanu, and the best way to get her back into his life is to get married to him while he is unwell. Tanu readily agrees to the plan.
OMG! Will Pragya learn about Aaliya and Tanu’s plan?
Keep reading IWMBuzz.com for more updates.
To know what happens next on Kumkum Bhagya, watch the premiere episode on ZEE5 Club before TV!!
The post Kumkum Bhagya spoiler alert: Aaliya plans Abhi and Tanu’s marriage appeared first on IWMBuzz.
source https://www.iwmbuzz.com/television/spoilers/kumkum-bhagya-spoiler-alert-aaliya-plans-abhi-tanus-marriage/2021/04/02