Zee TV show Kumkum Bhagya produced by Balaji Telefilms has been keeping the audience glued to the TV screen with interesting drama. As per the plot, Tanu goes to meet Abhi in his room. However, he behaves abnormally and he picks up a broom to beat Tanu. The poor girl gets scared Aaliya and Mitali rush to help Tanu.
Now, in the coming episode, Aaliya decides to get Rhea and Ranbir engaged and wants to get them married after 10 days. Aaliya tells that Abhi wanted this marriage to happen and she will fulfill his duty. Soon, Ranbir refuses to marry Rhea. He also exposes Pallavi’s fake health drama which shocks everyone.
OMG! Will Aaliya get successful in her plan?
Keep reading IWMBuzz.com for more updates.
To know what happens next on Kumkum Bhagya, watch the premiere episode on ZEE5 Club before TV!!
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