Kumkum Bhagya the popular Zee TV show produced by Balaji Telefilms has kept the viewers on the edge of their couch by bringing forth some unpredictable twists and turns with every episode. As per the plot, Prachi arrives at Ranbir and Rhea’s engagement to take Sahana along with her, however, she bumps into Ranbir wherein the two share some emotional moments. Later, Abhi makes Ranbir wear Prachi a ring and the two get engaged.
Now, in the coming episode, Abhi plays around and sees Pandit. He asks him about marriage questions. Soon, Gayatri comes and Abhi proposes marriage to Gayatri. He also holds her hand and takes rounds. Gayatri aka Pragya gets emotional and reminisces about her marriage.
Awww! Will Abhi recover soon?
Keep reading IWMBuzz.com for more updates.
To know what happens next on Kumkum Bhagya, watch the premiere episode on ZEE5 Club before TV!!
The post Kumkum Bhagya spoiler alert: Abhi proposes marriage to Gayatri appeared first on IWMBuzz.
source https://www.iwmbuzz.com/television/spoilers/kumkum-bhagya-spoiler-alert-abhi-proposes-marriage-gayatri/2021/03/31