Bollywood divas are seen wearing co-ord sets for their travel style and vacation look. They just look lovely in these outfits and have set a trend of wearing them. The actresses Shraddha Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor, and Anushka Sharma look gorgeous in the co-ord set and have shown their love for these outfits. The actresses have become the most renowned actresses of B- town. Their fashion cues are just amazing and perfect to steal.
Make your vacation or travel style look beautiful by grabbing some fashion styles of these actresses. Shraddha Kapoor was seen wearing a green-lined co-ord set and she wore pink earrings on it. She was looking ravishing in her blue stylish co-ord set.
Kareena Kapoor has a fantastic collection of co-ord sets. She was seen wearing a blue comfortable co-ord outfit and it is perfect for a maternity look. The actress is also seen wearing fancy and stylish co-ord set outfits and looks amazing. Anushka Sharma is seen wearing a co-ord set outfit for the event and travel style. She was looking fabulous in her red co-ord set outfit. Actresses are seen wearing different designs and patterns of co-ord outfits and look stunning.
Take a look at the co-ord set outfits of the actresses and stay in space with
The post Shraddha Kapoor To Anushka Sharma: Time When Co-Ord Sets Were B-Town Divas’ Go-To-Outfit appeared first on IWMBuzz.