Siddharth Nigam is a twenty-year-old Indian television actor. Siddharth started his acting career back in 2011 by appearing in a Bournvita advertisement. He also did his movie debut by playing the role of young Samar in Dhoom 3. He is currently seen playing the role of Aladdin in Sab TV’s serial named “Aladdin Naam Toh Suna Hoga”
Siddharth Nigam is a talented actor and is widely known in the industry for his fitness, stunts, and dance. If you have ever come across Siddharth’s Instagram account you will see how much this guy is into fitness.
His Instagram account is filled with ample pictures and videos of himself working or trying different stunts. Siddharth Nigam keeps his 6.9 million followers motivated and entertained with his fitness related videos.
Recently, Siddharth Nigam posted a video of himself attempting a backflip along with the best fitness enthusiast in the industry. We are talking about none other than Tiger Shroff.
Both Siddharth Nigam and Tiger Shroff landed the black flip perfectly. Watch the video below to see how they did it. Check out the video below and let us know in the comments what you think about it.
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