Deepika Padukone has baffled us with all royal fashion updos. She is the epitome of elegance and beauty. The best thing about her is that she is always up sportingly taking up fashion risks. And her historical and remarkable outfits at the honorary pathways have dumbfounded us to the core. As of now, we are obsessing over the purple pantsuit that she wore at the Cannes! She is looking absolutely gorgeous in the outfit, here is the picture take a look:
On the other hand, Sonam Kapoor, who has rather initiated the wave of fashion in the B-town industry is always looking wondrous and unique with her style game. She has always come with off-beat fashion and made them absolutely rock on the stage. How she does that, well, it’s still a question that is begged after each of the outfit revelations. As of now, we are wowed by the way she carried out her orange pantsuit. The fiery colour is already too much to handle, but Kapoor seems to be handling it like the master! Check out:
Also Read Deepika Padukone Steals The Limelight In Yellow
The post Deepika Padukone’s Purple Pantsuit or Sonam Kapoor’s Orange: Which One Would You Steal for Your Wardrobe? appeared first on IWMBuzz.