The romantic show Kundali Bhagya got aired on Zee TV on 12 July 2017 and from then, there is no stopping to it. The show has made everyone go weak on their knees with it’s every concept. Love, hatred, revenge, and the best cast. Everything about Kundali Bhgaya is special in its own way.
The center of attraction of the show is largely on Karan and Preeta Luthra played by Dheeraj Dhoopar and Shraddha Arya. Today, we shall visit times when Preeta got kidnapped in the show.
This is the latest incident when Preeta has got kidnapped, but no worries as this have not happened for the first time. We all remember the new character, Pawan Malhotra, Prithvi’s brother in the show, right? The incident is just after Rakhi announced that Karan and Preeta will have grand reception at night. Preeta’s efforts to ruin Sherlyn’s plan also does not get successful.
Now the other time Preeta was kidnapped was just after the lockdown episode when the crew started shooting. We saw how to bring sudden changes in the TRP, the makers introduced kidnapping drama. This time, it was Rishabh Luthra but along with him, Preeta too gets kidnapped. Did Karan save them both?
This time it was a masked man who abducted Preeta from her house as she was watering the plants. Karan gets worried and is about to call Preeta but he receives a call and the goon says they have his babydoll. Later, Karan along with Sameer and Mishti go to the godown and fight with the goons and also bring the police. Later, Shrishti sees Preeta lying down unconscious and calls for help!
Also Read: Kundali Bhagya spoiler alert: Kidnapped Preeta attempts to flee
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