Actor Rahul Bose will reveal his "secret lockdown wellness hacks" on Being Yoga, India's first Virtual Wellness Festival. At a time when the world is amidst a lockdown to prevent the spread of Covid-19, personalities from different walks of life are coming together to conduct a virtual yoga wellness festival. "I am really looking forward to sharing my secret lockdown wellness hacks with you. Do join Being Yoga on May 3 to raise funds for Covid-19," said Rahul. The wellness festival will be held on May 2 and 3.
From doctors to spiritual gurus, yoga practitioners, the festival will see the participation of names who will talk about the importance of wellness, philosophy and relevance in our lives during these challenging times. Actor Ashish Vidyarthi, tennis star Mahesh Bhupathi and more will be joining in and speaking about the importance of yoga.
"I'm used to a rigorous fitness and work routine and staying motivated during lockdown hasn't been easy. Find out how I've been keeping fit and how I've made the lockdown into a very productive time," said Mahesh.
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* This article was originally published here