Kundali Bhagya the popular Zee TV show produced by Balaji Telefilms will see the arrest of Preeta (Shraddha Arya) all over again.
Well, we saw Preeta being rescued by Rishabh (Manit Joura) over the last week when she was arrested for Mahira’s accident.
However, the police will come back again to arrest Preeta for the charge of killing Mahira. The evidence will be a video that the police will get to see as proof.
As per a reliable source, “This will be the next hurdle for Preeta, wherein the police will arrest her as per the evidence of a video wherein Preeta will be seen trying to kill Mahira.”
Who is responsible for this? Are Sherlyn and Mahira again involved in this game?
We buzzed actors of Kundali Bhagya but could not get through.
Watch this space at IWMBuzz.com for updates.
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source https://www.iwmbuzz.com/television/spoilers/kundali-bhagya-reason-behind-preeta-getting-arrested-second-time/2020/01/28