Kumkum Bhagya the popular Zee TV show produced by Balaji Telefilms has seen the major twist of Prachi (Mugdha Chaphekar) falling prey to Rhea’s (Naina Singh) gameplan and putting Ranbir (Krishna Kaul) into a major problem.
Her change of statement will get Ranbir arrested again, for a crime he has never done.
With Ranbir being put behind bars, he will be totally heartbroken. His major pain and agony will come in the form or Prachi who has stopped trusting him.
As per a reliable source, “Ranbir placed huge faith in Prachi and believed that she trusts him a lot. However, Prachi’s recent act will leave Ranbir pained and he will be seen weeping his heart out in the jail.”
Will Ranbir ever forgive Prachi for this big mistake?
We buzzed actors of Kumkum Bhagya but could not get through.
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